Database for Radioactive Substance Monitoring Data

Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) collects and discloses the results of measurement of air dose rates in Fukushima Prefecture and neighboring prefectures due to the accident at TEPCO's Fukushima Daiichi NPP, which are disclosed by the Nuclear Regulation Authority and Fukushima Prefecture, etc., as well as the results of analysis of radioactive materials in land soil (soil surface and in soil), sea area (sea water, sea bottom soil), rivers (river water, river bottom soil) and underground water, food (agricultural, forestry, livestock, marine products, etc.). The results are made public so that users can intuitively grasp the situation by visualizing the large volume of data.

Air Dose Rate

Measured air dose rate data, i.e. the amount of radiation per unit time in the air (Air absorbed dose rates[nGy/h], or ambient dose equivalent rate[μSv/h]). The air dose rate is continuously observed around the nuclear facilities to detect abnormality including radioactive substances leakage.

Radioactive Concentration-Survey of Depth Distribution in Soil

In order to confirm the condition in the depth distribution of radioactive cesium comprehensively mainly within a 80 km radius of the Fukushima Dai-ichi NPP, we collected soil samples at various depths using a scraper plate which is the standard method to measure radioactive nuclides in soil profiles employed at IAEA and researched the depth distribution of radioactive cesium.

Radioactive Concentration-Seawater

Measured data of radioactive substances released to the environment by Fukushima Daiichi NPP accident in seawater.

Radioactive Concentration-Marine Soil

Measured data of radioactive substances released to the environment by Fukushima Daiichi NPP accident in marine soil.

Radioactive Concentration-Deposition

Measured data of radioactive concentration deposited on the surface soil after TEPCO's FDNPP accident.

Radioactive Concentration-Soil /  Environment Sample Analysis

Measured data of radioactive substances released to the environment by Fukushima Daiichi NPP accident including ground deposition, radioactive concentration of soil sample and environmental sample, and radioactive substance depth distribution.

Radioactive Concentration-Atmosphere Dust (floating)

Measured data of radioactive substances in the Atomosphere Dust (floating).

Radioactive Concentration-Atmosphere Dust (fallout)

Measured data of radioactive substances in the Atmosphere Dust (fallout) and rainfall.

Radioactive Concentration-River Water

Measured data of radioactive substances in the water including river water and lake water.

Radioactive Concentration-River Soil

Measured data of River Bottom Sediment Quality, Environment around the river, and Rivers Suspended Sediment.

Radioactive Concentration-Drinking water, spring water, domestic water, etc

Data of radioactive substances measured to maintain our safety and security of drinking water.

Radioactive Concentration-Game Meat and Aquatic organism

Data of radioactive substances measured to maintain our safety and security of Wild Birds and Animals.

Radioactive Concentration-towing monitoring

Measured data of the radioactive cesium on the bottom of the sea by ship towing monitoring.

Radioactive Concentration-Food

Data of radioactive substances measured to maintain our safety and security of food including agricultural products, livestock products, fishery products, and processed food.

Radioactive Concentration-Waste

Data of radioactive substances measured to waste, sewage sludge, etc. contaminated by radioactive materials.

Updates All Updates


  The survey results have been added to the following measurement items.
   ・Radioactive Concentration-SeawaterーSeawaterーResults of Environmental Radioactivity Monitoring by Fukushima Prefecture (Ports and Sea Surface Fishing Ground) (Sea Water)
   ・Radioactive Concentration-SeawaterーSeawaterーDistribution of Radioactivity Concentration in the Seawater around Fukushima Dai-ichi NPP by TEPCO
   ・Radioactive Concentration-SeawaterーSeawaterーReadings of Sea Area Monitoring (Seawater) by NRA
   ・Radioactive Concentration-Marine SoilーMarine SoilーReadings of Sea Area Monitoring (Marine Soil) by NRA
2025.2.5 New

  The following new contents have been released.
   ・Air Dose RateーSurvey Meter (ambient dose equivalent rate)ーAir dose rate in school yards, etc. by MEXT
   ・Radioactive Concentration-Soil / Environment Sample Analysis ーSoil / Environment Sample AnalysisーAir dose rate in school yards, etc. by MEXT(Soil monitoring results)
   ・Radioactive Concentration-SeawaterーSeawaterーSeawaterーMonitoring of the east side of the turbine buildings of Units 1-4 and ports by TEPCO
  The survey results have been added to the following measurement items.
   ・Radioactive Concentration-SeawaterーSeawaterーResults of Environmental Radioactivity Monitoring by Fukushima Prefecture (Ports and Sea Surface Fishing Ground) (Sea Water)
   ・Radioactive Concentration-SeawaterーSeawaterーDistribution of Radioactivity Concentration in the Seawater around Fukushima Dai-ichi NPP by TEPCO
   ・Radioactive Concentration-SeawaterーSeawaterーReadings of Sea Area Monitoring (Seawater) by NRA
   ・Radioactive Concentration-SeawaterーSeawaterーMonitoring Results of Sea Area related to ALPS-treated water (Seawater) by MOE
   ・Radioactive Concentration-SeawaterーSeawaterーSeawaterーMeasurements of subdrain, groundwater drain, and groundwater bypass by Fukushima Prefecture
   ・Radioactive Concentration-Marine SoilーMarine SoilーDistribution of Radioactivity Concentration in the Marine Soil around Fukushima Dai-ichi NPP by TEPCO
2025.1.30 New

  The survey results have been added to the following measurement items.
   ・Radioactive Concentration-River Soil ーMonitoring Results of Radioactive Substances in Public Water Areas (Surrounding Environment) by MOE
   ・Radioactive Concentration-SeawaterーSeawaterーMonitoring Results of Radioactive Substances in Public Water Areas (Seawater) by MOE
   ・Radioactive Concentration-SeawaterーSeawaterーDistribution of Radioactivity Concentration in the Seawater around Fukushima Dai-ichi NPP by TEPCO
   ・Radioactive Concentration-Marine SoilーMarine SoilーMonitoring Results of Radioactive Substances in Public Water Areas (Marine Soil) by MOE

This is the Database for Radioactive Substance Monitoring Data renewed and released on October 1, 2021. Click here for the old site.